E’ disponibile la versione 2.0 di Storyboarder, un programma software gratuito e open-source ideato espressamente per disegnare tavole illustrate.


Novità introdotte

Shot Generator:

  • Complete Shot Generator Refactor – should result in faster performance and but otherwise should behave the same
  • Shot Explorer – A very cool new window that shows you tons of camera opportunities based on the scene
  • Attachables refactored – Attachables will bind more correctly between SG and VR
  • New UI in shot generator
    • Camera Controls in UI – Easier for beginners to control the camera without key commands
    • Tooltips – Easy to learn the key commands for camera movements
    • Tabs in the inspector – We reorganized the inspector to make it easier to make changes on objects
  • Orbit around objects – Select an object, hold control and drag the mouse to orbit camera around object
  • Change Shot Type – Select drop down to change camera framing and angle
  • Refactor of IK System and display of IK pole targets – You can now move elbows and knees like in VR
  • Gizmos to rotate objects in shot generator


  • Multiuser – Multiple headsets can enter the same Shot Generator scene and see each other
  • Fix for HTTPS VR – Note, this will give you a scary warning. Click advanced details and proceed.
  • Fixed a bug where custom environment would not load in VR


  • Integration with Shot Core



In arrivo, attualmente in lavorazione:

  • Shot Generator AR – View and manipulate your scene through your phone. Like VR, but easier!
  • Multiuser in Different Places! – Share a link and invite people to join your VR scene to edit
  • Control Center View – Get an overview of your scene
  • Import PSD Files
  • Emotions – I’m not crying, you’re crying


Questa è una schermata di esempio del nuovo generatore di inquadrature, Shot Generator. Si tratta di uno strumento molto potente per creare in pochi secondi inquadrature e pose dei personaggi nella scena tramite dei segnaposto che potremo nascordere dopo averli usati come guide per disegnare gli storyboard.


Shot Generator utilizza modelli 3D per i personaggi. Questo repository è la fonte aperta di quei modelli in formato Blender .blend canonici e le esportazioni utilizzate in Shot Generator: fbx, gltf, obj, ecc.


Potete scaricare il programma direttamente dal sito del produttore:

oppure seguendo questo link.


Video tutorial

Shot Generator Videos

File di esempio

Per segnalare eventuali problemi o bachi del software


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