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Ecco un elenco di risorse dedicate a Blender, alla grafica computerizzata e all’animazione 3D. Partendo dal materiale in mio possesso, ho ampliato la raccolta includendo altre risorse di potenziale interesse. Anche se non è un elenco completo, confido che possa essere utile ai membri della nostra comunità.

Ove possibile, ho inserito tra parentesi quadre la versione di Blender utilizzata nel libro/corso.



3-D Human Modeling and Animation, by Peter Ratner

Blender 2.8 – La guida definitiva, by Andrea Coppola (5 volumi) [2.8]

Blender 3D: Characters, Machines, and Scenes for Artists [eBook], by Enrico Valenza et al [2.75]

Blender 3D: Designing Objects [eBook], by Romain Caudron, Pierre-Armand Nicq, Enrico Valenza [2.75]

Blender 3D by Example [eBook], by Romain Caudron, Pierre-Armand Nicq (2a edizione) [2.82]

Blender 3D Printing Essentials [eBook], by Gordon Fisher [2.67]

Blender Cycles: Materials and Textures Cookbook, 3^ edizione by Enrico Valenza [2.7]

Blender Cycles: Lighting and Rendering Cookbook, by Bernardo Iraci [2.66]

Blender Compositing and Post Processing, by Mythravarun Vepakomma [2.68]

Blender For Animation and Film-Based Production, by Michelangelo Manrique [2.2]

Blender Master Class, by Ben Simonds, No Starch Press [2.6]

Blender Production: Creating Short Animations from Start to Finish, by Roland Hess [2.6]

Blender Studio Projects: Digital Movie-Making, by Tony Mullen, Claudio Andaur

Character Development in Blender 2.5, by Jonathan Williamson [2.5]

Character Animation: 2D Skills for Better 3D, by Steve Roberts

Cinematic Storytelling: The 100 Most Powerful Film Conventions Every Filmmaker Must Know, by Jennifer Van Sijll

Color Correction Handbook: Professional Techniques for Video and Cinema, by Alexis Van Hurkman

Color Correction Look Book: Creative Grading Techniques for Film and Video, by Alexis Van Hurkman

Core Blender Development: Understanding the Essential Source Code, by Brad E. Hollister [2.9]

Developing Digital Short Films (Choices That Matter), by Sherri Sheridan

Digital Compositing for Film and Video, by Steve Wright

Digital Lighting and Rendering (3^ edizione), by Jeremy Birn

[digital] Visual Effects and Compositing, by Jon Grass

Directing the Story: Professional Storytelling and Storyboarding Techniques for Live Action and Animation, by Francis Glebas

Drawn to Life: 20 Golden Years of Disney Master Classes: The Walt Stanchfield Lectures – Volumes 1 and 2

Facial Expressions: A Visual Reference for Artists, by Mark Simon

Film Directing Shot by Shot: Visualizing from Concept to Screen, by Steven D. Katz

GIMP 2.6 for Photographers: Image Editing with Open Sorce Software, by Klaus Goelker

Grafica 3D con Blender, by Francesco Siddi [2.7]

Ideas for the Animated Short: Finding and Building Stories, 2nd Edition, by Karen Sullivan, et al

Implementing a Digital Asset Management System: For Animation, Computer Games, and Web Development, by Jens Jacobsen

Inspired 3d Short Film Production, by Jeremy Cantor

Introducing Character Animation with Blender 2.5, by Tony Mullen [2.5]

La luce nell’arte. Come usarla nelle diverse arti visive, by Richard Yot

Lighting for Animation: The Art of Visual Storytelling, by Jasmine Katatikarn e Michael Tanzillo

Master Shots Vol 1, 2nd Edition: 100 Advanced Camera Techniques to Get an Expensive Look on Your Low-Budget Movie, by Christopher Kenworthy

Master Shots Vol 2: 100 Ways to Shot Great Dialogue Scenes, by Christopher Kenworthy

Master Shots Vol 3, The Director’s Vision: 100 Setups, Scenes and Moves for Your Breakthrough Movie, by Christopher Kenworthy

(The) PBR Guide: A Handbook for Physically Based Rendering (Inglese) by Wes McDermott

Perspective for Interior Designers, by John F. Pile

Physically Based Rendering – From Theory to Implementation, by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob, Greg Humphreys

Physically Based Rendering – From Theory to Implementation 4^edizione, by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob, Greg Humphreys [versione eBook gratuita]

Setting the Scene, by Fraser MacLean

Setting Up your Scenes: The Inner Workings of Great Films, by Richard Pepperman

Setting Up Your Shots: Great Camera Moves Every Filmmaker Should Know, by Jeremy Vineyard

Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach, by David S. Ebert, et al

Timing for Animation, by Harold Whittaker, et al

The Art and Technique of Digital Color Correction, by Steve Hullfish

The Art of Storyboard – Third Edition: A filmmaker’s introduction, by John Art

The Animator’s Survival Kit, by Richard E. Williams

The Book of Inkscape: The Definitive Guide to the Free Graphics Editor, by Dmitry Kirsanov

The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation, by Frank Thomas, Ollie Johnston

The Storyboard Design Course: The Ultimate Guide for Artists, Directors, Producers and Scriptwriters, by Giuseppe Cristiano

The Wow Factor – Create a jaw dropping effects in Blender, by Andrew Price [2.5 / 2.6]

Tradigital Blender: A CG Animator’s Guide to Applying the Classic Principles of Animation, by Roland Hess [2.49]

Walt Disney Animation Studios – The Archive Series: Design, by Disney Editions




Con formazione e documentazione che coprono ogni argomento principale in Blender, il team di Blender Studio condivide conoscenze di produzione reale, che possono essere liberamente adottate in una pipeline di computer grafica.

Blender Open Movies – I celebri Blender Open Movies: includono tutti i file di produzione, asset, opere d’arte e contenuti inediti.

Blender Training – Impara attraverso esempi: corsi, workshop e lezioni di produzione con file .blend inclusi.

Blender Characters – Personaggi completamente riggati provenienti dai celebri film open movie di Blender Studio.



TEXTURES (ex CC0 Textures)




[$] Programma commerciale a pagamento



Appleseed (open source) (
LuxCoreRender (open source) (
YafaRay (open source) (
Kerkythea (freeware) (
*RenderMan Non-Commercial ( (per Blender 2.92)
V-Ray [$] ( – V-Ray for Blender (
Unreal Engine 4 ( – Quixel’s Bridge per Megascan e Metahuman in Blender (
Radeon ProRender for Blender (
Corona Renderer ( (



Armorpaint (

ArmorLab ( (AI-Powered Texture Authoring)

Adobe Substance 3D [$] (

Knald [$] (

Mari [$] (

Materialize (

PixPlant [$] (

Quixel Mixer (

ShaderMap [$] (



Hugin (HDR Photo Stitching) (
Luminance HDR (



Photoshop [$] (
Krita (
Photoline [$] (
Inkscape (
MyPaint (
Paint.NET (
Affinity Photo (

Alchemy ( (programma per il disegno creativo ed ispirazione)
Webchemy (basato su Alchemy) (

Darktable (tavola luminosa virtuale per analisi foto) (



Cloud Compare (confronta due o più nuvole di punti tra loro) (
InstantMeshes (ritopologizza una mesh) (
MeshLab (una moltitudine di strumenti per l’elaborazione di modelli e nuvole di punti) (
Meshroom (ricostruzione modello 3D da fotografie) (
Regard3D (ricostruzione modello 3D da fotografie) (



Storyboarder ( ( (programma per la stesura di una storyboard)
Celtx ( (pre-produzione sceneggiatura, pianificazione e collaborazione)
Casuality Story Sequencer [$] ( (un approccio visuale alla stesura di sceneggiature)



Flamenco (
DrQueue (
Pandora (
Crowdrender (



Avidemux (
OpenShot (
VirtualDUB (
Natron (
DaVinci Resolve [$] (
Nuke [$] (



PureRef (


Pipelines for animation and VFX projects


TACTIC Open Source Platform (



IA GENERATIVA – Applicazioni

Blender add-on

AI Render ( Questo add-on genera un’immagine creata dall’IA basata su un prompt testuale e sulla tua scena.

Dream Textures ( Crea texture, concept art, asset di sfondo e molto altro con un semplice prompt testuale.

Pallaidium ( Uno studio cinematografico generativo con IA integrato nell’editor video di Blender, capace di creare video, immagini e audio da prompt testuali o strisce di video.

GPT4Blender ( GPT4ALL integrato nell’editor di testo di Blender. GPT4All, gratuito e open-source, permette di utilizzare modelli di linguaggio localmente, con un’interfaccia utente in lingua italiana.


Interfacce Web per esecuzione locale su PC

ComfyUI  (

Easy Diffusion (

Fooocus (

InvokeAI ( (Documentazione)

Krita AI Diffusion – AI generativa in Krita ( (richiede ComfyUI)

Pinokio ( (piattaforma per l’installazione di più applicazioni di IA)

SD.Next (

SD WebUI Forge (

Stable Diffusion Web UI (

Stable Swarm UI  (

Stability Matrix  (




Hugging Face (sito ricco di risorse per l’IA, modelli, set di dati ecc.) (

Civitai (Modelli, Incorporamenti, Iperreti ed altro per Stable Diffusion) (



(Ultimo aggiornamento: 22/11/2024)