KRITA 4.4.3 Beta

E’ stata rilasciata la seconda versione Beta di Krita 4.4.3. Questa è principalmente una versione di bugfix rispetto alla prima versione Beta.


Problemi risolti:

  • Thanks to Jonathan Wakely, Krita 4.4.3 beta 2 now can be compiled with GCC 11.
  • Fixed: a crash when showing the popup palette on Linux if the display was set to 125% (BUG:431944)
  • Fixed: tiling artefacts in the oilpaint filter
  • Fixed an issue showing that there are updates available in the welcome screen when the latest version was already running
  • If the image name no longer fits the tab, the right-hand side is elided, instead of the middle
  • Fixed: using shortcuts with special keys on non-US layouts (BUG:430479)


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