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  • #530341

    Rilasciata la versione 3.3.0 per Blender 2.78c del motore di rendering open-source YafaRay.

    Sono disponibili le versioni per Linux 32/64bit, Windows 32/64bit e MacOSX Intel 64bit sia per Blender che per standalone come Sketchup.

    Queste sono alcune delle correzioni e migliorie apportate al programma:

    Feature changes/additions:

    • “Flat Material” option added to Shiny Diffuse, requested by a certain user. Flat Material is a special non-photorealistic material that does not multiply the surface color by the cosine of the angle with the light, as happens in real life. Also, if receive_shadows is disabled, this flat material does no longer self-shadow. For special applications only. [Blender Exporter + Core]

    Bug fixes:

    • Bidirectional: fixed transparent background not working, was causing the entire render to have transparent alpha. See: http://www.yafaray.org/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5236 [Core]
    • Bidirectional: fixes (horrible hacks in fact, but…) for unitialized values causing incorrect illumination in scenes [Core]
    • SPPM: fixed SPPM AA panel where the AA filter type and pixel width were incorrectly disabled [Blender Exporter]
    • Fixed hang in Windows 7 when YafaRay is built using Visual Studio 2013. [Core]
    • Some building fixes [Core]


    Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili nella discussione aperta su yafaray.org e nella pagina di download.

    Nel caso riscontriate degli errori siete gentilmente invitati a segnalarli nel bugtracker di YafaRay oppure sul forum.

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