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  • #518807

    E’ stata rilasciata la versione 2.2.5 di Natron il programma di compositing nodale open source creato presso INRIA, l’Istituto nazionale per la ricerca nell’informatica e nell’automazione, una istituzione pubblica Francese.

    Natron 2.2.5 Download

    Natron 2.2.5 Change Log

    Natron Forum

    Questi sono i problemi risolti e le migliorie apportate al programma:

    • Fix undo when manipulating 2D points in the viewer interact #1576
    • Fix manipulating the interact plugin on non-retiming inputs of retiming effects (e.g. the Retime Map in Slitscan) #1577
    • Fix exporting curves to ascii (eg ColorLookup), and values for xstart, xincr and xend can now be simple expressions.


    • DenoiseSharpen: the output is now the noisy source when Noise Analysis is not locked. It is easier to see where there is noise that way, and it also makes the plugin usable in Resolve (which calls render even if non-significant parameters are changed)
    • Generators now may set the output format when Extent=Size (as they do when Extent=Format or Extent=Project).
    • Rework many plugins so that they work better in DaVinci Resolve (all generators including Radial and Rectangle, CopyRectangle, DenoiseSharpen, LensDistortion, HSVTool, ImageStatistics, Position)
    • Card3D (beta): Transform and image as if it were projected on a 3D card.
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