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  • #504035


    Ecco la quarta release di manutenzione 2.1.4 di Natron il programma di compositing nodale open source creato presso INRIA, l’Istituto nazionale per la ricerca nell’informatica e nell’automazione, una istituzione pubblica Francese.

    Natron 2.1.4 Download

    Natron 2.1.4 Change Log

    Natron Forum

    Questi sono i problemi risolti e le migliorie apportate al programma:

    • Windows: Fix a bug where the UI would freeze for a long time when reading files over a network share
    • Python: Add ExprUtils class that adds helpers for FBM and Perlin noise (taken from Walt Disney Animation SeExpr library)
    • Tracker: fix add/remove jitter motion types
    • Fix creation of SeNoise node
    • Fix a bug where the data-window would not be read correctly with auto-crop EXR image sequences
    • Fix a bug where the group expand/fold feature would not work correctly
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