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  • #497663

    Pubblicata la versione 2.1.1 di Natron il programma di compositing nodale open source creato presso INRIA, l’Istituto nazionale per la ricerca nell’informatica e nell’automazione, una istituzione pubblica Francese. Questa release corregge alcuni bachi del software rilevati dopo il recente rilascio della versione 2.1.0.


    Natron 2.1.1 Download

    Natron 2.1.1 Change Log

    Natron Forum


    Questi sono i problemi risolti e le migliorie apportate al programma:

    • Fix a bug where enabling GPU rendering from the settings would not be taken into account correctly by the ShaderToy node
    • Fix a bug where panning the viewport during playback could show banding artifacts
    • Fix a bug where the Reformat node would not work properly when loading a project and then switching the Type parameter
    • Fix a crash when adding a control point to a roto shape with CTRL + ALT + LMB
    • Fix a bug where the writing of the OpenFX plug-ins loading cache was not thread-safe. Multiple Natron processes on a same node of a render farm could corrupt the cache thus failing some renders because plug-ins could not load.
    • The Dilate/Erode nodes now have the Alpha checkbox checked by default and also have a parameter to expand the bounding box
    • The Auto-Turbo mode is now also enabled when writing out on disk
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