Community Forum Dicussioni generali, News, Presentazioni News Universo 3d Blender 2.78c – Performance Release 2

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  • #519276

    E’ stata rilasciata la versione di manutenzione 2.78c di Blender 3D che risolve alcuni problemi riscontrati dopo la pubblicazione della versione 2.78b, in particolare i seguenti:

    • OSX build had wrong CUDA kernels.
    • Crash of material preview when using Image sequences
    • Port all changes for automated Cycles testing
    • Fix for wrong render result of hair with BVH motion steps
    • Fix compilation error of GLSL viewport when using Light Path node
    • Fix wrong Brick texture in material viewport
    • Fix crash with material preview and image sequences
    • Fix T50512: Linked Backround scene with animation not updating with new depsgraph
    • Fix T50687: Cycles baking time estimate and progress bar doesn’t work / progress when baking with high samples
    • Fix T50748: Render Time incorrect when refreshing rendered preview in GPU mode
    • Fix wrong render results with texture limit and half-float textures
    • Fix Cycles still saving render output when error happened

    Download: Blender Download Page oppure Blender Online Repository

    Qui potete leggere le relative note di rilascio:  Blender 2.78c Release Notes

    Eventuali bachi del software possono essere segnalati qui, previa registrazione:  Blender Bug Tracker

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