NATRON 2.1.9


Siamo giunti alla nona ed ultima release di manutenzione 2.1.9 prima della prossima versione 2.2 di Natron il programma di compositing nodale open source creato presso INRIA, l’Istituto nazionale per la ricerca nell’informatica e nell’automazione, una istituzione pubblica Francese.

Natron 2.1.9 Download

Natron 2.1.9 Change Log

Natron Forum

Questi sono i problemi risolti e le migliorie apportate al programma:


  • Read/Write: Do not automatically set parameters when changing the filename (#1492). Creating a new Reader/Writer still sets those automatically.
  • ctrl-click on a node in the nodegraph (cmd-click on Mac) now opens its control-panel (same as double-click)
  • Curves with a single keyframe can now have a slope.
  • Fix gamma=0 in the viewer
  • Fix a bug where removing all control points from ColorLookup would crash the application
  • Fix bugs in curves drawing.
  • Fix potential crashes when using KDE on Linux
  • Fix a bug where Roto strokes drawn at a different frame of the current frame would disappear
  • (macOS) Fix a bug where the interface would become very slow after a String parameter is disabled or enabled


  • ColorWheel: antialiased rendering
  • Rectangle: add rounded corners
  • PIKColor: fix black rims issue #1502, rework & optimize
  • PIKColor: remove hard limits on parameters b85f558
  • Grade & Gamma: fix behaviour when gamma=0
  • Shadertoy: support iChannelResolution


A cura di Riccardo Giovanetti (Harvester)

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