NATRON 2.1.8


Ecco l’ottava release di manutenzione 2.1.8 di Natron il programma di compositing nodale open source creato presso INRIA, l’Istituto nazionale per la ricerca nell’informatica e nell’automazione, una istituzione pubblica Francese.

Natron 2.1.8 Download

Natron 2.1.8 Change Log

Natron Forum

Questi sono i problemi risolti e le migliorie apportate al programma:

  • Fix a bug where several images with file names that contain two numbers would be be considered as a sequence even if both numbers differed.
  • Fix a bug where a disabled Merge node would pas input A if the preferences say Merge should auto-connect to B (#1484)
  • Node Graph: hints for possible links between nodes are now only active when holding the Control key (Command on macOS) (#1488)
  • Roto: The default shortcuts to nudge Control Points has been changed to the num-pad 2,4,6 and 8 keys instead of the arrow keys which were conflicting with the timeline shortcuts. (#1408)
  • Fix a bug where the output channels of the Shuffle node could forget their link or expression (#1480)
  • Fix a bug where the focus on parameter would jump randomly (#1471)


A cura di Riccardo Giovanetti (Harvester)

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