LuxCoreRender 2.2 Alpha 1

E’ stata rilasciata la prima versione Alpha 1 di LuxCoreRender 2.2 e di  BlendLuxCore, l’add-on per Blender 3D. Questa release include nuove funzionalità e corregge alcuni bachi del software.


New Features

  • Added a new way to blend brute force path tracing and cache in PhotonGI. Cache is now used more often on glossy surfaces
  • Introduced a new PhotonGI debug mode to show the mix between brute force and cached paths
  • Added the support for automatic PhotonGI indirect cache best radius estimation
  • Added the support for automatic PhotonGI indirect cache size by using convergence error estimation
  • Front and back material transparency (aka light invisible object)
  • Added PhotonGI support for volumes cache entries
  • LXS parser now supports instance definitions
  • Added the support for new “directx2opengl_normalmap” image map channel selection
  • Added new textures: Power, Less Than, Greater Than, Dot Product, Position, Shading Normal


Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed a problem with infinite lights and BiDir or PhotonGI
  • Fixed a bug when using radiance groups with variance clamping and OpenCL
  • Fixed camera invisible objects usage with volumes
  • Fixed TASK_EMIT of LightStrategyPower
  • Fixed a crash when using RTPATHOCL and editing area lights (issue #173)
  • Fixed a bug when using radiance groups with variance clamping and OpenCL

File di LuxCoreRender:


LuxCoreRender 2.2 Alpha 0 Release Notes:

BlendLuxCore Add-on:

Versione standalone di LuxCoreRender:


Istruzioni per l’installazione e l’aggiornamento:


Nota: Questa versione per Windows è stata compilata con VisualStudio 2017. Potrebbe essere necessario installare le librerie runtime di VS2017:


A cura di Riccardo Giovanetti [Harvester]

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