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  • #524424

    salve a tutti, vorrei scaricare l’add on precise align

    ma un messaggio mi avvisa che potrebbe contenere software dannoso,

    che cosa faccio, mi fido a fare il download?

    conoscete altri add on

    che permettono di posizionare il sistema di coordinate

    in modo da poter allineare i vertici le facce e i lati

    in modo da poterli gestire allineandoli come si desidera?


    Amministratore del forum

    CIao Max-1

    Non usare copia incolla o altro…..

    Per motivi di sicurezza è tutto disabilitato…

    Ho proceduto io a “pulire” il tuo post dai tag html visibili.


    Questo è lo script:

    # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
    # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    # GNU General Public License for more details.
    # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
    # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****

    bl_info = {
    “name”: “Precise Align”,
    “author”: “Tjeerd Schouten”,
    “version”: (1,2),
    “blender”: (2, 67, 0),
    “location”: “View3D > Relations > Precise Align”,
    “description”: “Precisely align an object on all axis”,
    “warning”: “”,
    “wiki_url”: “”,
    “tracker_url”: “”,
    “category”: “3D View”}

    import bpy
    import mathutils
    from mathutils import Matrix, Vector
    from math import radians, degrees

    class ErrorMessage:
    none = “”
    edge_invalid = “Error: Select only one Edge, part of active Face”
    not_right_handed = “Error: Coordinate system is not Right Handed”
    two_axis_same = “Error: Two or three Axis are the same”

    class ErrorStorage:

    error_message = “”

    def SetError(self, error_message):
    self.error_message = error_message

    def GetError(self):
    return self.error_message

    errorStorage= ErrorStorage()
    class EmptyOriginStorage:

    origin_index = 0

    def SwapOriginIndex(self, index):

    if index == 0:
    self.origin_index = 1

    if index == 1:
    self.origin_index = 2

    if index == 2:
    self.origin_index = 0

    return self.origin_index

    def GetOriginIndex(self):

    return self.origin_index

    emptyOriginStorage = EmptyOriginStorage()

    def GetSourceEmpty(context):

    amount_selected = len(bpy.context.selected_objects)

    if amount_selected >= 1:

    if amount_selected == 1:

    #Check whether the active object has an empty
    name = “Empty.” +
    obj =[name]
    except KeyError:
    return False, bpy.ops.object
    return True, obj

    if amount_selected > 1:
    return True, context.active_object

    return False, bpy.ops.object

    def SetNewEmptyTransform(context):

    empty_origin_index = emptyOriginStorage.GetOriginIndex()
    matrix_valid, error_text, matrix = CreateFaceEdgeRotation(context, context.active_object, True, bpy.context.scene.normal_prop, bpy.context.scene.line_prop, bpy.context.scene.tangent_prop, empty_origin_index, bpy.context.scene.axis_normal_dropdown_prop, bpy.context.scene.axis_line_dropdown_prop, bpy.context.scene.axis_tangent_dropdown_prop)
    source_empty_valid, source_empty = GetSourceEmpty(context)

    if (source_empty_valid is True) and ((matrix_valid is True) or (error_text == ErrorMessage.not_right_handed)):

    source_empty.matrix_world = matrix

    #Make parent?
    if bpy.context.scene.parent_prop is True:
    obj = context.active_object = source_empty
    bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type=’OBJECT’) = obj

    def NormalPropertyChanged(self, context):

    def LinePropertyChanged(self, context):

    def TangentPropertyChanged(self, context):

    def LineVertexPropertyChanged(self, context):

    def NormalDropdownPropertyChanged(self, context):

    def LineDropdownPropertyChanged(self, context):

    def TangentDropdownPropertyChanged(self, context):

    def ParentPropertyChanged (self, context):

    empty_exists, source_empty = GetSourceEmpty(context)

    if empty_exists is True:


    if bpy.context.scene.parent_prop is True:

    obj = context.active_object = True = True

    #Set the empty as a parent of the mesh = source_empty

    #Set the mesh to active = False = obj

    RemoveParent(context, source_empty)


    def SizePropertyChanged (self, context):

    empty_exists, source_empty = GetSourceEmpty(context)

    if empty_exists is True:
    source_empty.empty_draw_size = bpy.context.scene.size_prop
    class AlignUi(bpy.types.Panel):

    bl_space_type = ‘VIEW_3D’
    bl_region_type = ‘TOOLS’
    bl_label = “Precise Align”
    bl_category = “Relations”

    scnType = bpy.types.Scene

    scnType.normal_prop = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name=”Normal”, description = “Vector created by face normal”, default = False, update = NormalPropertyChanged)
    scnType.line_prop = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name=”Edge”, description = “Vector created by face Edge”, default = False, update = LinePropertyChanged)
    scnType.tangent_prop = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name=”Tangent”, description = “Vector automatically created by face normal and face edge”, default = False, update = TangentPropertyChanged)

    axis = [ ( “x”, “X”, “Map to X axis” ), # return value, name, description
    ( “y”, “Y”, “Map to Y axis” ),
    ( “z”, “Z”, “Map to Z axis” )]

    scnType.axis_normal_dropdown_prop = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name = “”, items = axis, description = “Map to an axis”, default=’z’, update = NormalDropdownPropertyChanged)
    #context.scene[‘axis_normal_dropdown_prop’] = 2
    scnType.axis_line_dropdown_prop = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name = “”, items = axis, description = “Map to an axis”, default=’x’, update = LineDropdownPropertyChanged )
    #context.scene[‘axis_line_dropdown_prop’] = 0
    scnType.axis_tangent_dropdown_prop = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name = “”, items = axis, description = “Map to an axis”, default=’y’, update = TangentDropdownPropertyChanged )
    #context.scene[‘axis_tangent_dropdown_prop’] = 1

    scnType.parent_prop = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name=”Parent to Object”, description = “Make the Empty the parent of the Object”, default = True, update = ParentPropertyChanged )
    scnType.size_prop = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name = “Size”, description = “Size of the empty”, default = 1, min = 0.1, max = 10, update = SizePropertyChanged )
    def poll(cls, context):
    return context.active_object is not None

    def draw(self, context):

    layout = self.layout
    obj = context.object
    scn = bpy.context.scene

    if obj and obj.mode == ‘EDIT’:

    empty_exists, source_empty = GetSourceEmpty(context)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘LEFT’
    row.label(text=”Source Transform: “, icon=’MANIPUL’)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’

    if empty_exists is True:
    row.label(, icon=’OUTLINER_OB_EMPTY’)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.label(text=”Flip Vector:”)
    row.label(text=”Map Vector:”)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.prop(scn, “normal_prop”)
    row.prop(scn, “axis_normal_dropdown_prop”)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.prop(scn, “line_prop”)
    row.prop(scn, “axis_line_dropdown_prop”)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.prop(scn, “tangent_prop”)
    row.prop(scn, “axis_tangent_dropdown_prop”)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.operator(“object.swap_empty_origin”,text=”Swap Empty Origin”, icon=’MESH_DATA’)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.operator(“object.create_empty”,text=”Create Empty”, icon=’OUTLINER_OB_EMPTY’)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.prop(scn, “parent_prop”)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.prop(scn, “size_prop”)

    if obj and obj.mode == ‘OBJECT’:

    # errorStorage.SetError(ErrorMessage.none)

    empty_exists, source_empty = GetSourceEmpty(context)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘LEFT’
    row.label(text=”Source Transform: “, icon=’MANIPUL’)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’

    amount_selected = len(bpy.context.selected_objects)

    if (empty_exists is True) and (amount_selected == 1):
    row.label(, icon=’OUTLINER_OB_EMPTY’)

    if (empty_exists is False) or (amount_selected > 1):
    row.label(, icon=’OBJECT_DATA’)
    print(“ doesn’t exist”)


    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.label(text=”Align Local Transform:”, icon=’MANIPUL’)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.operator(“object.align_local_transform_position”,text=”Position”, icon=’MAN_TRANS’)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.operator(“object.align_local_transform_rotation”,text=”Rotation”, icon=’MAN_ROT’)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.operator(“object.origin_to_3dcursor”,text=”Origin to 3D Cursor”, icon=’CURSOR’)

    # layout.separator()

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.label(text=”Align Object:”, icon=’OBJECT_DATA’)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.operator(“object.align_object_position”,text=”Position”, icon=’MAN_TRANS’)

    row = layout.row(align=True)
    row.alignment = ‘EXPAND’
    row.operator(“object.align_object_rotation”,text=”Rotation”, icon=’MAN_ROT’)

    #Get the selected edge of the mesh. Only returns true if only one edge is selected
    def GetValidEdge(face_vertices, edges):

    edge_select_amount = 0

    edge_valid = False
    edge_vertices = []

    #Loop through all the edges in the mesh. This is not very efficient but
    #total_edge_sel doesn’t work and we can’t get the active edge either.
    for i in edges:

    #Is the edge selected?

    edge_select_amount += 1

    if edge_select_amount > 1:
    edge_valid = False
    return edge_valid, edge_vertices

    #Is the edge part of the face as well?
    if EdgePartOfFace(i.vertices, face_vertices) is True:

    #Get the vertices connected to the edge and face
    edge_vertices = i.vertices
    edge_valid = True

    return edge_valid, edge_vertices

    #Find out if the vertices of an edge are also part of the vertices of a face
    def EdgePartOfFace(edge_vertices, face_vertices):

    for i in edge_vertices:

    #Is this edge vertex part of the face vertices as well?
    face_vertex_found = False
    for e in face_vertices:

    #The edge vertex is the same as the face vertex, so break
    #and try another edge vertex
    if i == e:
    face_vertex_found = True;

    if face_vertex_found is False:
    #If we end up here, it means the current edge vertex is not
    #present in the face vertex array. If this is the case, the
    #line is not part of the face.
    return False

    #If we end up here, all edge vertices are part of the face
    #vertices as well
    return True

    #Remove the parent (put object in root)
    def RemoveParent(context, obj):

    #Remove any parents. If an Object is a child of another object, the
    #Local Transform orientation settings will be messed up if it is changed
    active_obj = context.active_object = obj
    bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type=’CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM’) = active_obj

    #Set the origin of obj_to_be_changed to the origin of the destination Object
    def SetLocalOrigin(context, obj_to_be_changed, destination):

    #Store the active object
    original_active_object = context.active_object

    #Set the input object to active = obj_to_be_changed

    # stores the previous location of the cursor
    cursor = bpy.context.scene.cursor_location[:]

    # set the 3D cursor to where you want the new origin to be
    bpy.context.scene.cursor_location = destination.location

    # set the active object’s origin

    # reset the 3D cursor to its previous location
    bpy.context.scene.cursor_location = cursor

    #Restore the original active object = original_active_object
    #Rotates the local transform of the selected objects to the local transform of the active object
    def SetLocalTransformRotation(context):

    context.space_data.use_pivot_point_align = False
    context.space_data.transform_orientation = ‘LOCAL’
    amount_selected = len(bpy.context.selected_objects)

    if amount_selected >= 1:

    empty_exists, source_empty = GetSourceEmpty(context)

    if amount_selected > 1:

    # bpy.ops.object.transform_apply works on all the selected objects, but we don’t want that.
    #So deselect all first, and later reselect all again.
    original_selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects

    for i in bpy.context.selected_objects: = False

    #Loop through all the objects which were previously selected
    for i in original_selected_objects:

    #Only set the object if the current object is not the active object at the same time
    if context.active_object != i: = True

    i.rotation_mode = ‘QUATERNION’

    #Store the start rotation of the selected object
    rotation_before = i.matrix_world.to_quaternion()

    #Remove any parents. If an Object is a child of another object, the
    #Local Transform orientation settings will be messed up
    RemoveParent(context, i)

    #Align the rotation of the selected object with the rotation of the active object

    #Store the rotation of the selected object after it has been rotated
    rotation_after = i.matrix_world.to_quaternion()

    #Calculate the difference in rotation from before to after the rotation
    rotation_difference = rotation_before.rotation_difference(rotation_after)

    #Rotate the object the opposite way as done with the ALIGN function
    i.rotation_quaternion = rotation_difference.inverted()

    obj = context.active_object = i = False

    #Align the local rotation of all the selected objects with the global world orientation
    bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(rotation = True) = True = obj

    #Set the roation of the selected object to the rotation of the active object
    i.rotation_quaternion = context.active_object.matrix_world.to_quaternion()

    #Deselect again = False

    #restore selected objects
    for i in original_selected_objects: = True

    if(amount_selected == 1) and (empty_exists == True) and IsMatrixRightHanded(source_empty.matrix_world):

    context.active_object.rotation_mode = ‘QUATERNION’

    #Store the start rotation of the selected object
    rotation_before = context.active_object.matrix_world.to_quaternion()

    RemoveParent(context, context.active_object)

    obj = context.active_object = True = source_empty

    #Align the rotation of the selected object with the rotation of the active object

    #Set the Object to active = False = obj

    #Store the rotation of the selected object after it has been rotated
    rotation_after = context.active_object.matrix_world.to_quaternion()

    #Calculate the difference in rotation from before to after the rotation
    rotation_difference = rotation_before.rotation_difference(rotation_after)

    #Rotate the object the opposite way as done with the ALIGN function
    context.active_object.rotation_quaternion = rotation_difference.inverted()

    #Align the local rotation of the selected object with the global world orientation
    bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(rotation = True)

    #Set the rotation of the selected object to the rotation of the active object
    context.active_object.rotation_quaternion = source_empty.matrix_world.to_quaternion()

    #Positions the local transform of the selected objects to the local transform of the active object
    def SetLocalTransformPosition(context):

    context.space_data.use_pivot_point_align = False
    context.space_data.transform_orientation = ‘LOCAL’

    amount_selected = len(bpy.context.selected_objects)

    if amount_selected >= 1:

    empty_exists, source_empty = GetSourceEmpty(context)

    if (amount_selected > 1) and IsMatrixRightHanded(context.active_object.matrix_world):

    #Loop through all the selected objects
    for i in bpy.context.selected_objects:

    #Only set the object if the current object is not the active object at the same time
    if context.active_object != i:

    SetLocalOrigin(context, i, context.active_object)

    if(amount_selected == 1) and (empty_exists == True) and IsMatrixRightHanded(source_empty.matrix_world):

    SetLocalOrigin(context, context.active_object, source_empty)

    #Align the selected object rotation with the active object
    def AlignObjectRotation(context):

    context.space_data.use_pivot_point_align = False
    context.space_data.transform_orientation = ‘LOCAL’

    amount_selected = len(bpy.context.selected_objects)

    if amount_selected >= 1:

    empty_exists, source_empty = GetSourceEmpty(context)

    if (amount_selected > 1) and IsMatrixRightHanded(context.active_object.matrix_world):

    #Loop through all the selected objects
    for i in bpy.context.selected_objects:

    #Only set the object if the current object is not the active object at the same time
    if context.active_object != i:

    RemoveParent(context, i)

    #Align the rotation of the selected object with the rotation of the active object

    #Align the selected object position with the active object
    def AlignObjectPosition(context):

    context.space_data.use_pivot_point_align = False
    context.space_data.transform_orientation = ‘LOCAL’

    amount_selected = len(bpy.context.selected_objects)

    if amount_selected >= 1:

    empty_exists, source_empty = GetSourceEmpty(context)

    if (amount_selected > 1) and (IsMatrixRightHanded(context.active_object.matrix_world)):

    #Loop through all the selected objects
    for i in bpy.context.selected_objects:

    #Only set the object if the current object is not the active object at the same time
    if context.active_object != i:

    #Global position
    i.matrix_world.translation = context.active_object.matrix_world.to_translation()
    def IsMatrixRightHanded(mat):

    x = mat.col[0].to_3d()
    y = mat.col[1].to_3d()
    z = mat.col[2].to_3d()
    check_vector = x.cross(y)

    #If the coordinate system is right handed, the angle between z and check_vector
    #should be 0, but we will use 0.1 to take rounding errors into account
    angle = z.angle(check_vector)

    if angle <= 0.1:
    return True
    return False
    def CreateFaceEdgeRotation(context, obj, force_stay_editmode, flip_normal, flip_line, flip_tangent, empty_origin_index, map_normal, map_line, map_tangent):

    error_message = ErrorMessage.none
    vertex_select_amount = 0
    vertices= []

    #TODO: not sure about this mode changing weirdness

    for i in

    vertex_select_amount += 1

    mat = Matrix.Identity(4)

    if vertex_select_amount == 3:

    if empty_origin_index == 0:

    #Get the vertex coordinate from the index
    localCoord0 = vertices[0].co
    localCoord1 = vertices[1].co
    localCoord2 = vertices[2].co

    if empty_origin_index == 1:
    localCoord0 = vertices[1].co
    localCoord1 = vertices[2].co
    localCoord2 = vertices[0].co

    if empty_origin_index == 2:
    localCoord0 = vertices[2].co
    localCoord1 = vertices[0].co
    localCoord2 = vertices[1].co

    #Transform from local to global
    globalCoord0 = obj.matrix_world * localCoord0
    globalCoord1 = obj.matrix_world * localCoord1
    globalCoord2 = obj.matrix_world * localCoord2

    vertex_position_origin = globalCoord0
    #Calculate the normal from 3 points
    line_vector = globalCoord1 – globalCoord0
    line_vector1 = globalCoord2 – globalCoord0

    normal_vector = line_vector.cross(line_vector1)
    tangent_vector = normal_vector.cross(line_vector)
    if flip_normal is True:
    normal_vector = normal_vector * -1

    if flip_line is True:
    line_vector = line_vector * -1

    if flip_tangent == True:
    tangent_vector = tangent_vector * -1

    if force_stay_editmode is False:

    #All the axis have to be different (we can’t have x, x, z for example)
    if (map_normal != map_line) and (map_normal != map_tangent) and (map_line != map_tangent):

    #matrix order: x=0 y=1 z=2 position=3
    if map_line == ‘x’:
    mat.col[0] = line_vector.to_4d()
    if map_line == ‘y’:
    mat.col[1] = line_vector.to_4d()
    if map_line == ‘z’:
    mat.col[2] = line_vector.to_4d()

    if map_normal == ‘x’:
    mat.col[0] = normal_vector.to_4d()
    if map_normal == ‘y’:
    mat.col[1] = normal_vector.to_4d()
    if map_normal == ‘z’:
    mat.col[2] = normal_vector.to_4d()

    if map_tangent == ‘x’:
    mat.col[0] = tangent_vector.to_4d()
    if map_tangent == ‘y’:
    mat.col[1] = tangent_vector.to_4d()
    if map_tangent == ‘z’:
    mat.col[2] = tangent_vector.to_4d()

    mat.col[3] = vertex_position_origin.to_4d()

    #The coordinate system must be right handed
    if IsMatrixRightHanded(mat):
    return True, “”, mat

    error_message = ErrorMessage.not_right_handed
    return False, error_message, mat

    #Invalid axis mapping, so stay in edit mode
    error_message = ErrorMessage.two_axis_same
    return False, error_message, mat

    #No edge was selected, so stay in edit mode

    #Deselect all to work around the bug which causes an edge to appear
    #selected in the 3d view while it is not.
    bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action = ‘DESELECT’)

    error_message = ErrorMessage.edge_invalid
    return False, error_message, mat
    def CreateEmpty(context, matrix, parent, size):

    #Store the mesh object we are working with
    obj = context.active_object

    #Currently we are in edit mode, but if we want to add an object,
    #we have to be in object mode

    #Add an empty and set it’s properties
    empty = context.object
    empty.empty_draw_type = ‘ARROWS’
    empty.empty_draw_size = size
    empty.show_x_ray = True = “Empty.” +

    #Set the rotation and translation of the empty
    empty.matrix_world = matrix

    #Select the mesh and set mode to edit again = True

    if parent is True:
    #Set the empty as a parent of the mesh = empty

    #Set the mesh to active = obj

    #Deselect the empty and go back to edit mode = False

    class CreateEmptyOperator(bpy.types.Operator):

    bl_idname = “object.create_empty”
    bl_label = “Align Selected Rotation To Active”

    def poll(cls, context):
    return context.active_object != None

    def execute(self, context):

    empty_origin_index = emptyOriginStorage.GetOriginIndex()
    matrix_valid, error_text, matrix = CreateFaceEdgeRotation(context, context.active_object, False, bpy.context.scene.normal_prop, bpy.context.scene.line_prop, bpy.context.scene.tangent_prop, empty_origin_index, bpy.context.scene.axis_normal_dropdown_prop, bpy.context.scene.axis_line_dropdown_prop, bpy.context.scene.axis_tangent_dropdown_prop)

    if (matrix_valid is True) or (error_text == ErrorMessage.not_right_handed):

    CreateEmpty(context, matrix, bpy.context.scene.parent_prop, bpy.context.scene.size_prop)

    return {‘FINISHED’}

    class SetLocalTransformRotationOperator(bpy.types.Operator):

    bl_idname = “object.align_local_transform_rotation”
    bl_label = “Set Object transform rotation”

    def poll(cls, context):
    return context.active_object != None

    def execute(self, context):


    return {‘FINISHED’}

    class SetLocalTransformPositionOperator(bpy.types.Operator):

    bl_idname = “object.align_local_transform_position”
    bl_label = “Set Object transform position”

    def poll(cls, context):
    return context.active_object != None

    def execute(self, context):

    return {‘FINISHED’}

    class AlignObjectRotationOperator(bpy.types.Operator):

    bl_idname = “object.align_object_rotation”
    bl_label = “Align the Selected Object rotation with the Active Object”

    def poll(cls, context):
    return context.active_object != None

    def execute(self, context):


    return {‘FINISHED’}

    class AlignObjectPositionOperator(bpy.types.Operator):

    bl_idname = “object.align_object_position”
    bl_label = “Align the Selected Object postion with the Active Object”

    def poll(cls, context):
    return context.active_object != None

    def execute(self, context):


    return {‘FINISHED’}
    class OriginTo3dCursorOperator(bpy.types.Operator):

    bl_idname = “object.origin_to_3dcursor”
    bl_label = “Set the Object origin to the 3D Cursor location”

    def poll(cls, context):
    return context.active_object != None

    def execute(self, context):


    return {‘FINISHED’}

    class SwapEmptyOriginOperator(bpy.types.Operator):

    bl_idname = “object.swap_empty_origin”
    bl_label = “Swap the origin of the Empty”

    def poll(cls, context):
    return context.active_object != None

    def execute(self, context):


    return {‘FINISHED’}

    ## registring
    def register():

    def unregister():

    if __name__ == “__main__”:


    Dario G

    Potresti provare l’addon: “Align Selection To Gpencil Stroke”.

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